
29 Eylül 2006 Cuma

Oruç adamı çarpar mı?

Evet çarpar... ya da ben çarpılmışlığıma bahane arıyorum:)

Malumunuz gecen pazar 11 ayın sultanı ramazan geldi çattı. Bundan önceki senelerde işimiz cok kolaydi. sagolsun yaz saati uygulamasi o zamana bitmiş oldugundan 4-5 gibi orucu açıyorduk, sen sağ ben selamet geçinip gidiyorduk. dahası, genelde iş yerinde oldugumuzdan bir de tören haline getirip olayı daha bir keyifli kılıyorduk.

Ama, şimdi kazın ayağı öyle diil. sen gel iftarı teeee 7'ye koy. öyle olunca da bütün gün iş yerinde aç durman yetmezmiş gibi bir de eve git, iftar sofrası hazırla vs. aman iftar sofrası dediysem de o anda elime ne geçerse...

Oruç çarpıyo adamı dedik ya, gene oldu kafam kazan gibi. e tabi, iftar olunca kıtlıktan çıkmış gibi yersen sonra töhmelersin. o zaman da sahurda bile yiyemez olursun. sonuc: iftardan iftara oruç tutarsın. ba ba ba ba, olacak iş midir? şimdi de öglen olmadan acık dur. sonra geçsin gözünün önünden çorbalar, tatlılar, olsun tuttuğun oruç mundar!

Yani sonuç: oruç adamı tutar da çarpar da:(

26 Eylül 2006 Salı

Sounds like a melody...

Alphaville... One of my favorite bands of old times... I heard they were coming to Ankara. I decided to go for old times sake. Afterall they had many songs that I liked. and who knows maybe this would be their last time. so I committed myself to going. I even insisted in spite of the bad weather and even all of my friends but one (Gulsun) ditched me. Poor girl had the stay up late night with work clothes and shoes and didn't even complain a bit.

Concert was supposed to start at 8 pm. but due to bad weather they changed the venue. we went there past 8:30. doors were closed so we decided to go somewhere else and have a drink. we came back at almost 11 pm. doors were still closed!!! they opened it in 10 mins and we entered to the club.

the band got on stage some time past 11. I was both feeling happy and sad. happy caused ı fulfilled one of my goals. sad because I realized they were getting old so was I. the average age of audience was far above 30. and the band was even older. I felt sad because the great band of late 80s early 90s couldn't even fill a night club. then I appriciated the path DM followed and felt more and more proud (like I had a role:PPpP)

They stayed on stage for more than an hour. I didn't know at least half of the songs. but some old ones I remembered. the sound system was so bad I could hardly hear Marian. I had diffuculty in remembering the lyrics. But I cheered like a girl with the songs I knew especially jerusalem, jetset and forever young. I hoped for afternoons in eutophia but they didn't play it:(

Saturday paid of for itself. I dragged Gulsun to a beauty saloon and we had massage. afterwards we felt like jelly but it felt good as well. I think we should take care of ourselves:DDD

21 Eylül 2006 Perşembe

Yangın vaaaaar....

Malumunuz 2 ay kadar önce yeni binamıza taşındık. hala bilimum tadilat vs devam ediyor. yarım saattir de habire yangın alarmı çalıyor. ama öyle böyle diil, bayağı sinir bozucu bir ses. sonuç: kimse alarmı iplemiyor. az once de bir anons geldi "E blok 2. kat çay ocağında yangın çıkmıştır" diye. hala kimsenin kıpırdadığı yok. gerçi anonsu anlamak icin de bayagi bir dikkat kesilmek gerekiyor ya neyse. hala kimsede tık yok. hatta geyikler dönüyor ortalıkta. ucacaz havaya ruhumuz duymayacak diye. neyse sonra itfaiye sesleri felan de geldi, hala herkes yerinde.
derken bir arkadaş kaynagı mechul bir bilgiyle (tüp patlamış, dogal gaz kacagi varmiş gibi) bir kısmımızı (ben de dahil) aşağıya indirmeyi başardı. gerci ortalıga gaz kokusu gibi bisey de yayılmıştı. tabi biz inesiye olay çözümlenmişti. salak salak indiğimizle kaldık:)
velhasıl diyorum ki ne rahat bir milletiz. alarm cayır cayır ötüyo, kendim dahil kimse iplemiyo. eee, yangın mı varmış, neymiş muhabbetleri dönüyo. alışmışız bize bişey olmaz ayaklarına. tabi bir de habire yanlış alarm olayı da mevcut, kaynagı mechul bir cesaret ve vurdumduymazlıkla dolanıyoruz ortalıkta.

19 Eylül 2006 Salı

One less to go...

The wedding:

Last saturday, one more single friend (actually 2 more) said goodbye to their past and joined the "married couples". Now I have only few single friends left:((( and fewer weddings to go to.

the wedding... quite a night. I got to see some old friends from school. 97% was also married. of that 97%, half already had their first baby and other half was pregnant!!! I felt like an alien:( and the night was so fruitful that my best guy friend came with a date and left as gf/bf!!! (I think I liked the girl, so I am ok with this:D) weddings are definetly the best place to find someone or become a couple:)

After seeing the potential of enlarging families, and since there are fewer and fewer weddings to go I guess my next big event will become the b-days of the toddlers or the school ceremonies. I think it actually is!!!

Anyways, Asli (the bride) was like a little princess. she had her smiling face all night long. Huseyin (the groom) had the look of the victory:) "I got her!". after the cake, the band played dance music. Me and Burcu were even ready to dance with the door creak. we were at the dance floor with the first danceable tune (I think I created this word:))

Rest of the weekend:
I spent the rest of the weekend with Esin and Batu. I cannot believe how quickly babies enter to people's lives. I spent less than 2 days with the little one and almost fell in love. he is so adorable. I immediately called my sister and asked for another nephew. she said nephew production was stopped due to limited resources:)))))))))))

13 Eylül 2006 Çarşamba


Böööggghhhh, az once gayet hayal kırıklığı yaratan bir haber aldım. aslında daha önce almıştım da inanmamıştım. Haber ne mi?

Simdi, gecen sene atv'de salak ötesi bir dizi vardı. Adı "aşk oyunu". Diziye salak dediğime bakmayın, ben bu diziyi seyretmekten çok zevk alıyordum. Aslına bakarsanız geyiğin allahıydı dizi. klasik zengin erkek, fakir kız hikayesi, bir turlu birleşemezler ve daha bir sürü dal budak. ama komik karakterler, guzel ve yakışıklı oyuncular vs derken dizi benim açımdan eğlenceli bir hal almıştı. Hatta iş yerindeki arkadaşlarımdan biri de seyreder olunca biz olayı abartmıştık. ben 32 o 45 yaşında, Keremcem aşağı Keremcem yukarı dolanıp duruyorduk. Çarşamba akşamı fazla mesai olmazdı bizim için çunku dizimiz vardı. Çarşamba akşamları dışarı çıkmazdım çunku dizim vardı. Kendi kendimize Keremcem konserine gidip yaş ortalamasını artırma fantazileri bile yapardık (aslında hala yapıyoruz, bi gelsin kesin gitcem. valla sarkilari cok guzel, kendi pek bir efendi. yasi da uygun olsa alacaktim kesin:P neyse fazla dağıtmayalım). nerde kalmıştık? evet dizide.. dedim ya dizi eglenceliydi. Gerci hikayeyi uzattıkça uzattılar ve tadı kaçmaya başlamıştı ama simdi nasıl bir saçmalık türetebilirler, bir sonraki adım ne olur tahmin oyunları sayesinde ben izlemeye devam ediyordum. Bu dizide, diğer 13,612 dizide olduğu gibi sezon finalini Ekin'in (asıl kız) ameliyattan çıkmasıyla sezon finali yapmıştı. Yeni sezonda daha nasıl uzatabilirler senaryolarım hazırdı. Bu kez Sarp (asıl oğlan) kanser olabilirdi ya da biri homoseksuel olduguna karar verebilirdi... Ama olmadı. Dizinin başrol oyuncusu Keremcem sitesinde anlattığı bazı gerekçelerle diziden ayrılmış. Şimdi baktım, yeni hikaye fazla zorlama olmuş. Gecen sezonun hatırına bir göz atıcam ama benim dizi keyfim de bu şekilde sona ermiş oldu. çok dertliyim çoook... simdi ben kimle dizi geyiği yapıp insanların "inanmıyorum" bakışları altında dizimin savunmasını yapıcam. ühühühü, kendimi elinden oyuncagı alınmış cocuk gibi hissediyorum!


Today, I decided that I am a weirdo:) My dear project has started. I knew I was going to be busy but couldn't imagine this much. now I have tons of to do list filled and cannot find the time to finish them all. my subconscious is constantly thinking and working. and I am happy:) I think hard work has an antidepresant effect on me:DDD

I need to organize myself... any recommendations???

12 Eylül 2006 Salı

Which is worse?

Last night it happened again. I went home, prepared something quick and sat in front of the TV. turned it on and walla.. a black screen! Not again! this time I didn't even dare to call the cable company. I had a better idea.

Being a terrible aunt, I took my nephew's PS2 as soon as the school started. he'd rather study then play right, not that I also wanna play. anyways, I spent the whole sunday playing harry potter and last night I decided to try Sims2. I never played that game before and it took me a while to understand what it is all about, and how to work whichever comment. It seems like a fun game. But I need more time to explore it all. I think it was around 2 am that I finally gave up!!! well, not really gave up but that I'd better sleep!!!

Now? feeling too tired:(

11 Eylül 2006 Pazartesi

TV or not to be...

Last week, my cable didn't work for 2 nights. It was something due to a problem in our area. But of course, the problem is not the topic. the topic is the TV.

Until that night, I didn't realize how much space that stupid TV consumed in my life!!! I went home, turned on the TV (first thing I do) and nothing. I felt like "what am I gonna do now?" I couldn't think of anything else to fill my night!!!! Can you believe it? well, it hit me so bad. I am a TV addict. I used to read alot and listen to music. there were days that I didn't need a TV, but now I am just like any other person, who just watches those stupid shows!!!! It hit me bad, really bad...

I promised myself to start reading again. I used to read alot. I used to read before going to sleep, during the night, trips and all. now I just carry a book with me around but no reading.

anyways, this cable thing made me realize that I need to go back to my origin. what else I could do, TV is not working. but, I found myself checking the TV while reading!!! result: TV is back, reading is out:(

6 Eylül 2006 Çarşamba

Mr. Bean ile kahvaltı...

Gectigimiz haftasonu bizim kızların (Ozlem ve Gulsun) dogumgunleriydi. Biz de dedikki zaten görüşmeye bahane arıyoruz, bari toplanıp soyle guzel bir kahvaltı yapalım. Yer Bilkent'teki Meshur Iskender. Iskendercide ne brunch'i demeyin, valla hepimiz gayet memnun kaldık hem kahvaltıdan hem de arada gezinen çiğ börek, su böreği ve gözleme gibi aktivitelerden:)

Herneyse grup bizim klasik Hazine tayfası işte. Genelde olduğu üzere ilk damlayan bendim. Ama o da ne, beni hayretler içinde bırakarak hamilemiz Zeynep ve kocası Okan (aka Mr. Bean, bkz yan foto) de hemen ardımdan (5 dakka kadar) teşrif ettiler. (Tembel Mutlu henüz resimleri dl edip yollamadığı için ben de size ancak Mr. Bean'in fotosunu ekleyebiliyorum. (gunun komedisi: Okan tayvan'a gitmis. Mr. Bean diye resim cektirmisler. ama haksız da sayılmazlar hani:))

Herzamanki gibi gunun yıldızları küçük veletlerdi. Sarp Derin kucağa gelmeyi reddettigi icin biz de bebek sevme güdümüzü Batu ile tatmin etmek durumunda kaldık. Gecen 3 saatin sonunda da hepimizin yüzündeki tatminkar ve bir o kadar yesil ifadeyle (yemeklerden diil semsiyelerden) kutlamamızı noktaladık.

Gunun geri kalanı? evde koltukta devrilmiş vaziyette TV seyrederek geçti:)

5 Eylül 2006 Salı


English version is below:)

Bugun disciye gittim. gitmeden once agrimayan disim su anda agriyo. ama tabi curugum buyumus, gelmisken dedi digerine de bakalim. 2 disimi feci oydu valla. sonuc su anda disim agriyoo. ustelik acim da meeee:( 2 saat dolsa da yemek yiyebilsem.


I have been to the dentist today. had 2 fillings. I didn't have pain before the visit now I have some... I think there is something wrong. shouldn't it be just the opposite??? Plus I am hungry. need to wait for 2 hrs before eating anything:(

4 Eylül 2006 Pazartesi

Celebrity news

If I wrote these within the past month, it would have been more intimate and more unrealistic. Unrealistic because I think how I felt is not for a 32 year old. I should and had had those feelings when I was a teenager. but going through them again made me feel both happy and foolish, and somewhat younger.

Since it has been more than a month and I recovered from the dream, I can tell you about the concert #3 of my life... Something that I waited for so long and enjoyed so much.
Yes, I am talking about the Depeche Mode concert in Istanbul. It was scheduled for July 30. I bought my ticket months ago. and I was among the lucky ones. I had the chance to get the front stage tickets.

From the time I heard they were coming, to the actual time of the concert, I saw nightmares about missing it. Mostly, it was sunday afternoon and I was still in Ankara:) Imagine how relaxed I feel when I woke up in the middle of the night.

Anyways, on the weekend of end July, I finally got on the bus. I arrived to Istanbul around noon. Ali, aka CrixMadine, picked me up and we went to his place in Kadikoy. thanks to him, he filled my day with different concert dvds and related stuff. the only subject was DM. you could hear the excitement in our voice... maybe not. being over 30 for some years, you just lose the touch.
saturday night was the pre-concert warming up party. all night DM:) I had the chance to meet some people from the list. it is always nice to meet with people you talk and share same feelings. It is the only way you don't feel like an alien. I always appreciated the day Urcun, aka the boss, sent me an email and invite me to the maillist and the website. I made so many good friends because of this DMTR. and I discovered I am not alone. (can you imagine an environment that none of your friends share your excitement about DM or any other group and treat you like a teenager because how you feel? well, I was in that environment, feeling that I am not normal until I met these guys. thats why they are always special for me.)

ok,the concert:

We arrived to Kurucesme Arena around 7 pm. It didn't look big at all. it was more like a car parking. but it was by the sea and the view was great. There was already a crowd but not on the front stage. Luckily, I ran into some old friends on the way and they had the same kind of tickets. we waited on the very first row. seriously, I have never been so close to the stage before. so we hang there for 2 hrs and waited for the show.

The show:

what can you say? It was Dave all over. he was so close, so alive. he was running up and down the stage so were my eyes. He was feeling what he was saying.

Can you imagine him being so close? singing, screaming right in front of you? can you imagine how it feels to join the crowd of swinging arms with his one gesture, one move? Can you imagine the flow of love and admiration towards those on the stage?

I promised myself not to look at the watch during the concert and I didn't. but when he waved goodbye I couldn't belive it was already more than an hour. unfortunately, they cut the concert short (shorter than their usual) and made only one comeback. It was unbeliavable... another dream was over but I was happy. I don't know if I will ever see them on stage again but I hope I can. cause I feel more alive and still young when they are still up there. I love these guys. I love their music and I love the way they make me feel. thank God they exist:)

oh, I forgot the celebrity part:) well, the next day I got a call from my co-workers in Treasury. they said I was on the papers!!!!! I told you I was on the very first row. so, with the list of celebrities at the concert they published the following photo (that idiot paper was only interested in the celebrities not the concert!!!) and they forgot to write my name!!!!!:)

1 Eylül 2006 Cuma

Devam eden bir kasvet var...

Havadan midir bilmem ama dun baslayan sıkıntı ve kasvetim bugun de devam ediyor. Gerçi zaten ben bir bunaldim mi etkisi 2-3 gunden once gecmez. ya kendi kendime gomulup bekliycem sonra topraktan cikiveren filizler gibi normal hayata donucem ya da ekstrem bir olay olacak beni mutlu eden ki erkenden cikivereyim. tabi bu arada da kuskun, alingan, sessiz modumda goturucem yasami o birkac gun. bir kozam olsa diyorum boyle gunlerde, soyle icine kapaniversem de etrafla tamamen iliskim kesilse...

neyse, bu arada baktim da hindistan cevizleri henuz beni listelerine almaya layik bulmamislar. sanki kendileri hergun yaziyor da:DDD neyse napalim, biz de kaderimize razi oluruz:D sanki cok umurumdu:PpP benim de gunum gelir elbet:)